My personal site Gomotes

1 min read

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Gomotes's avatar
Hey guys,

as you may noticed I've an emoticon site, where you can found my emoticons. I really want, that the site is easy to use, for the audience.

So maybe you've some time, to browse the site. There is also a poll.

Gomotes - I've some time to take a closer look...

I added a lot of features to the site. Including emoticon battles, fave an emoticon, zoom into an emoticon, change the background of the emoticon, codes for using the emoticons directly in conversations and share emoticons with friends. I placed my emoticons into different emoticon archives, so that you can found similiar emoticons in one place.

If you've problems or maybe you've an idea to made things better, just let me know it.
© 2013 - 2024 Gomotes
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Krissi001's avatar
The only suggestion I have is that you could add the amount of Emotes next the Folders in the Emoticon Archive so the users see that in those folders are more than 1 emoticon, when I first visited that page I thought it was a small preview of the Emoticon. :noes: